Thursday, June 19, 2008

Day 7

They lost. I still can't get over the fact that those darn Turks stole all of the Czech Republics glory. No matter how amazing of a win it was, there was just no reason for them to have done that. The people of Prague were so very glum today, and I couldn't help feel sad. Better luck next EuroCup, and maybe even the World Cup. Crossing our fingers! I really want to get a Czech national jacket, they are really cool, but they are kinda expensive. If you think I should get one let me know, and then I'll make a decision. Here's what it looks like. Never mind, I couldn't find it. So, here's an Alli!

Deep in thought Allis are the number one best. What do you think she is sooooooo concentrated on? I know, I know! Planning for our little Eurotrips! Which brings me to what we did pretty much all day. Today we took our first trips on the prahaian subway and got a 1 month pass for all public transportation. The passes are really cool and we had been trying to get one for the past 4 days but they make it hard. For one, you have to be able to speak czech, which we can't, and they don't really like to take the time to help. The people at the pass stations are all very short with us and we think they must hate their lives. They gave us a sheet to fill out and wouldn't answer any questions about it. Eventually we found out that we needed our passports and a small picture of each of us. Luckily, we copied our passports, so getting the pictures was easy enough. We still couldn't fill out the form though because we don't speak their stinkin language. But, eventually we went to the booth and we found a very caring and helpful soul who didn't make us fill out the form and just gave us the passes. Now we can go anywhere we want, and we got a cool little pass keepsake to boot. We also went to the train station and spent a couple of hours there just figuring out how it all works. We now understand the Eurail pass and how to navigate a train station! Now we can finally plan some things!

Alli planning! The book she has is the timetable for all trains in Europe. With this we can make our little trips flawless but still have room to be flexible and to do whatever we want! We are planning for 3 trips as of now. 1 short guy to get us more accustomed with how things are going to work and then 2 bigger ones.

Here's what we are thinking to do on our first little trip Monday.
It looks like a lot, but it will only be a nice little four day trip. Just something so we can get our feet wet so when we go on the Italy tour and then the Paris tour we will be well prepared!

Time to go home after a long day! Hey, that tram can't take us home! That's the cafe Tramvaj where we sat and planned, and/or Alli planned for the greater part of the day. Sorry for the lack of pics today, planning isn't all that exciting to photograph, except of course when it's Alli doing the planning, and it was, so I guess I should have snapped a few more. Sorry again, but we also went and saw a movie. My Blueberry Nights was the title and it was a great little movie. I suggest you all go and see it. Tomorrow, I promise, will be more exciting, so stay tuned and be prepared for lions and tigers and bears, but actually not any bears because this zoo doesn't have any.
Na videnou!

1 comment:

DCM Photography said...

There are some amazing images on here. Looks like you have had a great time